
TheZoomH3-VRHandyAudioRecorderisacompactaudiorecorderwithabuilt-inAmbisonicsmicarrayofferingflexible360°audiocaptureaswellas ...,Record,encode,anddecodespatialaudiofor360-degreeprojectsorvirtualreality,allononedevice.,DefyrealityanddistancewithOculus.OurVRheadsetsconnectpeopleand...Thesoundrecordercancaptureaudiofromyourmicrophoneandplayitbackinyour ...,TheH3-VR's4-capsuleAmbisonicmiccapturesp...


The Zoom H3-VR Handy Audio Recorder is a compact audio recorder with a built-in Ambisonics mic array offering flexible 360° audio capture as well as ...


Record, encode, and decode spatial audio for 360-degree projects or virtual reality, all on one device.

Sound Recorder

Defy reality and distance with Oculus. Our VR headsets connect people and ... The sound recorder can capture audio from your microphone and play it back in your ...


The H3-VR's 4-capsule Ambisonic mic captures precise 360-degree VR audio recordings up to 24 bit/96 kHz. And without ever connecting to a computer, the onboard ...

Zoom H3

Zoom H3-VR 360° Audio Recorder, Records Ambisonics, Binaural, and Stereo, Battery Powered, Records to SD Card, Wireless Control, for VR & Surround Sound Video, ...

Zoom H3

ZOOM H3-VR 360° HANDY RECORDER. Whether you're ... The H3-VR's 4-capsule Ambisonic mic captures precise 360-degree VR audio recordings up to 24 bit/96 kHz.

H3-VR 360º Audio Recorder

The Zoom H3-VR virtual reality audio recorder is the complete solution for capturing and processing spatial audio for VR, AR and mixed-reality content. With a ...

voice recorder

best recorder for voice recording with high quality voice recorder application is simple and easy to use. You can reliably record your meetings, ...

Voice Recorder for Android

Information about Voice Recorder 75.1 ; Package Name, vr.audio.voicerecorder ; License, Free ; Op. System, Android ; Category, Audio ; Language, English. 70 more.

Voice Activated Recorder

The VR-16 Voice Activated Recording Device provides 576 hours of audio recording inconspicuously, inside a covert flash drive.